Friday, June 14, 2013

"Brekker" News - New Nephew!!

Yes, I have a new little nephew, Brekker (I did NOT spell "Breaking News" wrong). This little boy was born 5 weeks early, weighing 4 pounds and 15 ounces, 18 inches long. He was born on 6/12 at 4:00 am-ish. 
Maleia - Countdown to Baby
This is my youngest sister Maleia, Brekker's mommy. She went in Tuesday night at 8:00 PM with contractions. My sister Rebekah was by her side in minutes. The doctors sent her home around 2:30 AM. 30 minutes later she was back and now needed an emergency c-section. 
4:00 AM C-Section Wake Up Call
My sister got back up at 3:30 AM, by 4:00AM they were geared up for the ER C-Section. I'll be honest, things were pretty scary for a bit there. My little sister had a rough delivery. Brekker is 5 weeks premature, he had a feeding tube, collapsed lung, was on oxygen, and she was told he might come home in 2 or so weeks. She couldn't even hold him for the first day. 

This little fellow is proof prayers are answered. Just 2 days later his lung is doing better, my sisters have gotten to hold him, he is off oxygen. Earlier this evening Maleia got to feed him - no feeding tube. We went from holding our breath for this newest, littlest member of the family - now we have a collective sigh of relief. Maleia goes home tomorrow (the 15th), which is ironicly when her baby shower was set up to be. SO that way she'd have a month to get everything ready for the little guy. Surprise Mommy, he came a bit early. If things keep improving, Brekker may even get to attend his own shower! He's doing that good. 

Brekker Boy This AM!!
Throughout all this, Heidi Anne has been trying her hardest to go see her new cousin. She is the most baby hungry child I know. The day he was born we had the following conversation:

Heidi Anne: Momma, I want to go see my new baby cousin Brekker. Can we go?
Me: Nope sweetie, he's super little and you are getting over that sinus infection.
Heidi Anne: I'm all better, I won't get him sick. (Then sneezes twice) That wasn't my sinuses Momma, it was... a...allergies. Yes, Allergies. Can we go??

Yesterday she tried again.
Heidi Anne (in a stuffy nose voice): Momma, SueSue always says babies grow like weeds. We're going to miss him growing if we don't go soon...Umm where is a tissue for my nosey? 

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE: Keep Maleia, Brandon, and Brekker in your prayers, it's still a long, rough, road ahead of them. 
Brekker Boy Just Hours Ago!!
Stay Tuned for More "Brekker News Updates!!" 

1 comment:

  1. Oh that brings back memories. Charlotte had a colaspsed lung too. I hope everything goes well.


If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi