Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Heidi Anne, The Farmer's Market, and James

I love the Cache Valley Farmer's Market. You can get wonderful fresh produce, baked goods, crafts, at a wonderfully low price. For the first time this year we were able to go on Saturday. To celebrate the occasion we got a Cinnamon Pull Apart. One of the bakeries makes the BEST cinnamon pull aparts and we all got to share one. 

Next we just wondered around the market. This year they moved the site to a much bigger park, so we had a lot of strolling to do. Heidi Anne kept telling us we were at the wrong park until she saw all the people. She also found another benefit of the location change. A whole lot more space to run around and a new park to play at. 

She also found another benefit of the location change. A whole lot more space to run around and a new park to play at. 

After we came home Heidi Anne decided to play "Farmer" while she waited for her friend James (more about him in a minute) to come play. She picked some flowers and other plants, then dug a hole for them and placed them in the ground. I guess that's one way to have pretty flowers. Then her boy-friend James came over to play. She had a blast! She and James have been friends since they were 2 years old. They plan on getting married, she is going to be a SueSue when she grows up (Suesue is a Mommy who also has her own daycare / preschool), and they are going to have 8 kids. 4 boys and 4 girls, that way everything is even when they play boys versus girls. She was just thrilled to have a friend over. 

I am a little sad that she went from being surrounded by other children and always having someone to play with to being a real only child. Any chance to be with other kids is great. The day was a little taxing on her, not long after James left she went down for some quite time. Isn't this just the differentiation of being a little 4 year old (almost 5) girl? Watching a movie, with your favorite princess pillow, cozy blanket, curled up with your kitten and baby doll after a fun filled day. 
Just A Little Exhausted 

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