Little BREKKER BOY!! |
Maleia - Countdown to Baby |
4:00 AM C-Section Wake Up Call |
This little fellow is proof prayers are answered. Just 2 days later his lung is doing better, my sisters have gotten to hold him, he is off oxygen. Earlier this evening Maleia got to feed him - no feeding tube. We went from holding our breath for this newest, littlest member of the family - now we have a collective sigh of relief. Maleia goes home tomorrow (the 15th), which is ironicly when her baby shower was set up to be. SO that way she'd have a month to get everything ready for the little guy. Surprise Mommy, he came a bit early. If things keep improving, Brekker may even get to attend his own shower! He's doing that good.
Brekker Boy This AM!! |
Heidi Anne: Momma, I want to go see my new baby cousin Brekker. Can we go?
Me: Nope sweetie, he's super little and you are getting over that sinus infection.
Heidi Anne: I'm all better, I won't get him sick. (Then sneezes twice) That wasn't my sinuses Momma, it was... a...allergies. Yes, Allergies. Can we go??
Yesterday she tried again.
Heidi Anne (in a stuffy nose voice): Momma, SueSue always says babies grow like weeds. We're going to miss him growing if we don't go soon...Umm where is a tissue for my nosey?
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE: Keep Maleia, Brandon, and Brekker in your prayers, it's still a long, rough, road ahead of them.
Brekker Boy Just Hours Ago!! |
Oh that brings back memories. Charlotte had a colaspsed lung too. I hope everything goes well.