Friday, May 24, 2013

Autoimmune Adventures: Finding Healthy Role Models for Heidi Anne

Until recently, I was a working mom, now that I am a stay at home mom, Heidi Anne has started to notice that I don't or can't do things normal moms do. Sadly, she won't go do things, like just play outside, because she feels bad that I can't. I have started a hunt for healthy role models for her to look up too. I'm very blessed to have some of those people in her life.
          First off, would have to be Suesue. She's been with Heidi Anne since she was 5 weeks old. She told me a few days ago she wants to be Suesue when she grows up. I loved her reasoning, Suesue is a mommy, a teacher, owns her own company, and gets to play with babies to big kids all day. Suesue is the major reason Heidi Anne loves to be outside so much. I remember the first time I picked up Heidi Anne she was 9 weeks old, it was September and Suesue had her in a little jacket, wrapped up in a blanket on her lap, outside watching the other kids play. I was so grateful that she was getting to be outside at such a little age.
      I have found other healthy role models for her as well. I've got her in ballet. I love for her to see healthy women, doing what they love, and teaching her to dance. I can't do it but I can encourage her and take her to class. I do let the teachers know, she may say her legs hurt, but have her push through it. I let her practice as much as she wants and will take the time just to watch her.
     I've gotten in contact with local kid groups that meet and go for "explorations". Mostly, urban trails or meeting people at the park, or going to a nature center. Rangers at the ranger stations are more then willing to talk to us about the area, so we learn a lot even if we can't hike the trails. When we go with a group the other mom's know I can't do as much and are kind enough to take Heidi Anne out with them.
    I have great family and friends, too. My step-sister is AMAZING! She was going to be in the 2012 Olympics but suffered a scary crash. Less then 9 months later she's back to professional racing. She used to have a website, but she's been to busy to keep it up. Arielle has been a great role model, she's shown Heidi Anne how even a healthy person can get hurt but more importantly how you can overcome those scary moments and get back to what you love doing. A few of my other friends have blogs or facebook updates where they share their Disney Marathon or camping escapades with little kids, I read these stories with her. Heidi Anne knows I love and respect these women, it encourages her to go ahead of me, and be a dancer, racer, camper, whatever it is. Just because Momma can't personally do it - it doesn't mean she can't too. Instead it teaches her that Momma would be right on the trail with her if I could and that it's great to be a healthy, adventurous Heidi-Girl.
   So thanks to all the great role models out there that go out and do things or take my little girl with them. 

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi