Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pinterest-The Martha Steward of Our Time

I have come to realize that instead of women comparing themselves to Martha Steward we compare ourselves to "I saw this on Pintrest..." There are times when I feel like that picture. 
Sometimes, I really, really feel like this.
Then there are those other days I am filled with crafty hope and think "Wow, I could make a watering can, or a elephant mask, or pet food cup all out of a milk jug?" 
The most dangerous crafts I have come across are those that look wonderful and contain the words "It's so simple, all you need is to be a stay at home mom, a frame, Hogwarts super glue, a hair from a unicorn, handmade satin flowers, and mother of pearl. Now you have a lovely, magical frame for your vase."
Watching Daddad
Every now and again I find things that I can actually do, mostly they are unicorn hair free projects that can be done in a short amount of time. I found some great ideas for Christmas ornaments  I figured Heidi Anne would have a ball (haha-get it?) decorating the clear ornaments  We found different craft supplies through out the house.
All three of us got to working on our new pretty ornaments.
These pictures do not do it justice. We had Christmas music playing, drinking hot chocolate, filling our ornaments will different items, glitter, paper, paint, ect. Heidi Anne saying "Hey Guys! Look, look at mine, isn't it so pretty?" or "Ohhh, Daddad that is so cute! Momma, you've got to see daddad's!" 
Making Ornaments with Daddad
I honestly feel like the whole Holiday Season just isn't the same if there isn't a child part of your activities  They don't have to be your own kids, they can be your younger siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, family or friends. 
SUCCESS!! Take that Martha! I mean Pintrest!

Monday, November 26, 2012

How Heidi Anne got Two Ornaments

Every year we give Heidi Anne her own special ornament  Normally the ornament of the year represents something special about her. This year she got 2.

In June, I found a cute ornament with point ballet shoes and it had her name on it, it was the perfect birthday gift since it was almost July. As her birthday in July came I forgot where I had hidden it. After searching for quite some time, I gave it up for lost.

We took Heidi Anne around Halloween (I was so disappointed with myself-getting Christmas things before Halloween is done.) But she picked this ornament of a little ballerina girl as her one ornament of the year. The next day I was cleaning the closet. Hiding towards the very back of the closet was her birthday ornament.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Heidi Anne's First Nutcracker

On Saturday Heidi Anne and I went to the Nutcracker for the first. time. 
I wanted to make it super special, so I decide we could go to the Tea Party the Ballet hosts. She's been excited all week. Every morning she would count down to how many days were left and every night she'd been jumping on the bed. "In three days we have a tea party and go see pretty dancing!"
Finally, we get to Saturday. I thought for sure the ballet was at 2:00. Nope turned out to be 1:30. On top of that I lost the tickets. I called the theater and made sure the tea party was still from 12:30-1:15. 
Heidi Anne finds the tickets-by magic I swear. 
We get to the ballroom at 12:45. The tea party was over. How do you explain that to a little 4 year old girl? 
She overheard that it was over. She held my hand and said "It's okay Momma, we just go next year." I decided right then that if nothing else we could just sit at one of the empty tables, talk about the ballet, her dance class, and admire the pretty decor. A lady came over to us, I told her the story. She looked at Heidi Anne and decided she wasn't going to disappoint her either. We had our own tea party but we were soon joined by a mom and little girl who was in the same boat. I was very grateful for the host person for letting us 4 have our own celebration.
Afterwards we started to go to our seats. As we headed in, Heidi Anne noticed how a lot of girls were wearing pretty dresses. It was her day and a very easy thing to do. We just sat in the lobby while everyone headed into the theater. It may sound weird but she had so much fun just admiring the outfits.
We went to our seats. Soon the ballet began. She loved it! She saw her instructions, her friend Brition, and other girls from the school on stage, she tried to get their attention and finally she just yelled "HI!". I had to explain how people on the stage can't hear you. I loved being there with her. When the person was doing magic tricks-she would clap in astonishment  When someone acted funny, like Clara being so scared her knees were shaking, she was the first to laugh. When a ballerina did some really hard or pretty moves. She would again clap.
As we watched she told me her plans for the future. Next year she'll be a clown, then the following year a party girl, finally when she is a little older she'll be one of the Russian girls or a rose petal, and then the snow queen. I told her as long as she keeps practicing her ballet then who knows what she'll be or part she'll get in a ballet show. So guess who has doing saute (side to side skips) on our way out to the car? Or who has been standing on nothing but revele (standing on tippy toes) just like the older girls in the performance did? 
Yeap ME!! Haha, everyone knows it was Heidi Anne. 
I think this will be a yearly tradition. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Dolly Tradition Continues

 Char's parents travel, a ton . A few years back we tried to start collection of baby shoes from around the world. Just a cute way to have her be involved with different cultures (and to win any show and tell she may have at school). But finding baby shoes is hard when many children around the world don't even wear shoes.
So Grandpa / Grandma brought her a little stuffed animal, a little frog.
Now she has a lovely collection of dolls. These dolls aren't just on a shelf for display, she plays with them daily. They are on her bed, the sofa, the car.
Playing dolls with Alice
Wherever she is, a doll is somewhere in tow. Anyways, Grandpa and Grandma recently went to German and these are her two newest dolly's.
Freda, Lisle, Ana Rose
The one with braids (just like the ones Heidi Anne has constantly) is from German. We chose Lisle for her name. The one in blue with black braids is named Freda. I encouraged her with the name Freda, because it's the name of one of my best friends. Don't worry Aunt Sharon, there is bound to be a doll we can name in your honor. :-)
Cuddled up with Freda. Dolly (from Tahiti) and Lisle-See told you she always has to have at least one doll with her. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Heidi Anne + Snow + Me = A Chilly Adventure

Last Friday night (as in the 10th) we had our first big snowstorm of the new year. Saturday morning we had a beautiful sunny day with 6 inches of snow. Heidi Anne did what any other child would do. She grabbed her coat, her new snow boots, (which she picked out because they are pink with princesses and they light up when you stomp really hard). Before I knew it she was all bundled and jumping up and down with the most excited face I have seen in a long time. "Momma! Can I go outside and make snow angels? Please, Please??" How could anyone say no to that?

Out she went. First thing she just walked around making a circle. She carefully inspected the pretty flower impressions her snow boots made. Immediately, she made another big circle to make more pretty flowers. After a few little trials she wanted to know what "pictures" my shoes made. I got on my mittens and a jacket to go play in the snow with my little girl. 
My boots make flowers
We decided quickly that my shoes made boring wave with oval designs. Heidi Anne came up with a game of making a snow picture, but you had to only use snow and it couldn't be a snow man. "That's easy enough," I thought to myself. "I will just grab a stick and draw a stick figure in the snow". As I drew my lovely stick girl, a lovely triangle with 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 piggy tail strands of hair, with a big smile to top it off. 
Your shoes aren't Pretty Momma
She inspected my work and told me "Momma, it's nice but you didn't listen to me. You can't draw the person. See look at my snow picture." Her snow picture was a cat named Audrey (I honestly have no idea where she gets these names). Audrey the cat was a pile of snow pressed together to make a 3D snow cat. 
Making Audrey the Cat 
Heidi Anne wanted to show me how to make “good” snowballs and have a snowball contest. She explained the rules to me;
Making a "Good Snowball"

1) You have to make 3 pretty circle snowballs
2) You have to throw your ball really, really far
3) You have to make it SMASH (My friend Cori, would be so proud of that rule) when it hits the ground, a fence, a tree, ect.
4) If you snowball doesn't break when it hits something that means you made it to hard and someone could have been hurt
5) If you throw the ball at a car, any person, or any animal on purpose, you lose and you have to stay on the stairs in time out. 
See her snowball about to SMASH
I must confess, she beat me at every round. I couldn't throw far enough, my snowballs weren't pretty, and they wouldn't smash for the life of me. So I did what any other good Mom would do. I said "Who wants hot chocolate?" Hey, if you can't beat them, make them forfeit.

Who Wants Hot Chocolate?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tea for Three

As you may know, Heidi Anne is an only child, always has been and always will be. I always thought I would have three little kid, two little girls and one boy. But I digress.
Some things I have found about having an only child is there are many times when they can grasp when something is off with their parents, they try their best to be big kids (since Mom and Dad are the only other people in the house-who else can the mimic) on the flip side there are  times when they need you to get on the floor and just play games together. Often, you're their only option for a playmate.
Yesterday was just such a day for us. We've just had a series of unfortunate events. Since Momma and Daddad are stressed she has become distressed herself. I saw my little 4 year old soothing and telling Ana Rose (her dolly) that everything will be okay. I decided she needed a playmate right then. Something or someone to take her little mind off things.
I announced that we were going to have a Tea Party with an Indoor picnicking for lunch. She got so excited  She got Ana Rose nicely dressed, put on her best set of beads.
Once that was done we gathered our treats. We made a fruit and sprite mix for our tea, we had jelly beans and smarties in a bowl, and some little Kisses like mini cupcakes.

We spent over an hour having our party. We talked about her friends, her favorites (color, movie, favorite NOT a Disney princess movie). As I took another sip of  the V8 with Sprite "tea", all decked out with beads, funny ponytails she did for my hair, and asking me in a most serious voice "Momma, would you like more of the blue jelly beans? Or the pink Jelly Beans?"
In a high society tone of voice (which she giggled at) "Why, thank you child. I would like both beans. The blue and the pink if you could be so kind".After she finished her giggles she said, "Great!! I HATE the taste of the pink and blue ones!  "Well, I Never!" 

We had our Ipod playing and a song called "Never Grow Up" Came on. It couldn't have been better then if it was planned. So my little Heidi Anne, this was the song that you sang so well and brought me to tears. Heidi Anne, just try to never grow up.

Your little hand's wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have, honey
If you could stay like that

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up, never grow up

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hello Sweetie

Say Hi to Sweetie. 
 We've had her since August after Pumpkin didn't make it. We called to let them know. Somehow we got convinced to come back to the shelter. We were looking at some cats while we were there and one kitten caught Char's attention. 

She was a vocal little thing. We were told they found her out in a field. She had the weirdest color tones. Just smudges of different colors. Gray, black, brown, orange, almost pink. Really, like a picture of a cat got smeared. He found that she wasn't slated to live much longer. Adoption rate of cats in our county is only 20%. As you can guess she came home with us. 

We've had her ever sense. She went through a few names. Ceccile (after an American Girl Heidi Anne likes) Smudges due to her coloring. But I prevailed and the name Sweetie became official. She is a very funny, hyper thing who loves to be cuddled. Best part of all, we've had her for 4 months and she's still healthy. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Heidi Anne-The Kitty Cowgirl

This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween! That is one of Heidi Anne's favorite songs from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". 
This year Heidi Anne wanted to be a Cowgirl. On a side note, her favorite / bestest friend Kayla was Jessie from Toy Story.
The night before Halloween Heidi changed her mind. She wanted to be a "Kitty Cowgirl!".  So the night before I found some fluffy material (I think left over from when she was a Polar Bear). She had a little black nose with whiskers.
Trick or Treat--Office Style
Heidi Anne had a wonderful day. She got to go trick or treating with her daycare, then trick or treating at pre-school, finally she came to our work. At our office we get into Halloween. Big time. Teams have costume themes, prizes are awarded for best costumes, team costumes. In the afternoon we have desk trick or treating. Employees can bring their family to go desk to desk to trick or treat love this, we're familiar with nearly everyone and it's so fun to see everyone family, and to show of your own children in the process.
My friend Cori and her Adorable Johnny
Heidi Anne was a Kitty Cowgirl, Char went as a Farmer (from Iowa with John Deer Gear). You can't tell to well what I am. I was going to be a farmer or something as well. But last minute (like as we dropped Heidi off at Suesue's) I didn't have my outfit. So I was a Tribute from District 8 in the Hunger Games. Had my hair all a mess and didn't put on makeup-making me look very,very pale
Me, Heidi Anne, and Char

Every year our CEO gives a full sized candy bar to every kid. It's like the Holy Grail of Halloween. has the best costumes every year. Last year it was Darth Vader, I wouldn't have been shocked if it was one of the outfits used on set. This year he was Bumble Bee from Transformers. I would have to say it was a HUGE hit with the kids and adults alike. He is detailed to a T with his costume.

The boys were awestruck by him. One boy had a Bumble Bee costume as well. Just not nearly as elaborate. One little boy saw him and ask "Can I have your autograph?" It was that good of a costume.

Weee Ha

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Pumpkin Walk, The Carrot Van, and Heidi Anne

15 Kids Waiting to Go on an Adventure
As some may know by now, every October we go to The Pumpkin Walk. The Pumpkin Walk is a tradition here in Logan. The walk is around a park where families, churches, or businesses carve or create a variety of displays. Heidi Anne has gone to the Pumpkin Walk every year since she was born. Really, her first one was when she was 3 months old. 
Thus Begins the Adventure 
So what made this one so special you may wonder? This was my very first school field trip with Heidi Anne. I think this was a very special milestone. My little girl is old enough to go on school field trips now, she's growing up so fast! Just a 2 years ago her Daddad and I had held her while we strolled around the Walk. Now, I can barely keep up with her. 
Everyone Having Fun
Another first for me was I got to be the carpool Mom. While the teachers and moms were planning directions we decided the best way to get there was a caravan.  I couldn't help but laugh when her friend Harley (age 4) asked me "Heidi's Mom, what's a Carrot Van? Why are we going to be Carrots?" So we began our "Carrot Van" with her friends in the back of the car talking, giggling, and making up jokes or stories for each other. 
Zoey, Harley, Heidi Anne
I was reminded as well how honest and to the point kids are. Her friend Harley said "WOW! Your car is Messy, Messy Heidi!! Heidi Anne promptly blamed me for the car-"It's not my job to clean the car, I clean the table." We were the first group to get there, even if I did drive "Like an old lady" (thanks again Harley :-) ). 
Zoey, Harley, Heidi Anne
Our group contained; 13 kids between the ages of 2 to 4, 3 helpers and 2 moms. Roughly 1 adult per 2 or 3 kids. Somehow Heidi Anne, Skylie, and Harley were always 2 displays ahead of everyone else. Can you guess who has ADD?--Squirrel! If anyone is wondering the ADD kids really found--Squirrel!

Heidi Anne made sure everyone we came across knew "That's my Momma. She came to school today to play with me!" She later told her other friends that didn't go on the field trip "Some of the pumpkins were scary, but my Momma was there so they didn't scare me."
Nightmare Before Christmas
I Loved This One
It wasn't all fun times. Heidi Anne learned what most families with 2 or more kids have to deal with; you have to share your Mom. I think that was the biggest shocker. 
Having to leave the Candy Land 
Also, when there are a lot of kids, you can't linger at some of the displays as long as you want.When we finished the trip Heidi started to tear up. When I asked what was wrong she told me, "Daddad missed this and now I miss him!" 
Hungry, Hungry--Oh Look Over There!!
Ahead of the Pack-And Dancing to some Music
I deiced that we can go to the walk again. So the next day we went with Daddad. After that everything was right in the world. 
Wipe Out-On the Daddad Trip
The Pumpkin Walk with Daddad
As I dropped them back off to school I realized how fun it was to be there with her. To see her play with her friends and other kids. I found that there is a thin line between being THAT mom on field trips who always embarrasses her kids, or the mom who is abnormally strict with their kid, or being the mom that lets the kids in her group go hog wild. 
Heidi's Mom-Hurry!! I want to go see the Witch!!
I think I managed to be just a little more strict then the run a muck mom. 

Skylie, Heidi Anne, Harley-Ahead of the Pack-Again