Friday, August 12, 2011

I A Big Girl-Like Daddy!!

Since some of my really good friends / co-workers were going to be leaving soon to go back to school, I brought Heidi Anne in to sort of say good bye to them. I picked her up for a "Work Adventure". It was just a little visit, 30 mins, between her normal playtime and lunchtime so we wouldn't throw off her schedule too much.
We made a pit stop to see Dadda at work. She saw him and ran yelling "DADDY, DADDA, DADDY!!" You would think she hadn't seen him in 4 months-not 4 hours. She "helped" him with some of his work. Then she went to introduce herself. My favorite was when someone asked her if she was a big girl. Her response? "Yeah, I a BIG girl, like my Daddy!" Too cute.
Oddly enough, around this time, Char decided we should head up to see my friends.....Hmmm coincidence I bet.
Sadly, some of my friends had already left for lunch. Heidi Anne showed them the silliness in that. She (with the help of Dadda) did a little office prank. They (and by "They" I mean he suggested and she went along with it) took a pair of keys and hide them in a nearby office. After that she helped me with some notes, calculations, and had fun visiting Momma's friends (minus the time out scare--which was a big miscommunication). Then 30 minutes were up and time to head back to lunch.She told all her friends at daycare repeatedly how she got to go to Work with Momma and Dadda and she got to help them because she's a big girl. (Just like Daddy, right? ;D )

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi