Friday, August 19, 2011

Heidi Anne and K-Bug

 I once heard a quote, written by that famous person Author Unknown (he writes a lot of good things!) "God made us cousins, because he knew our moms couldn't handle us as sisters. I always think of Heidi Anne and her Kayla Bug. She adores Kayla. Yesterday she found a picture of her and Kayla taken at their first Baby Animal days (back when they were babies). She wouldn't part with the picture so we let her take it to daycare with her. So we got the following story: 
Heidi Anne was so proud of her picture she brought today! She telling everyone "This is Kayla-Bug and I LOVE her." Any time someone came in she would go grab their hand and take them to her cubby to look at her picture. It was so cute!
Those two little girls are just so adorable together. I so happy they are so close and that my sister and I are so close that they are able to have that sister like bond themselves.

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi