And that's when the Bell rings. When the Bell rings-a Cadet is dropping out-he's hit his point. His brothers call to him, they beg him to stay, encourage him to fight on.
But still the Bell tolls.
I have a Hero named Marcus Luttrell--but he would never call himself a hero. He was the soul survivor of Seal team 10. He pretty much summed up how men even survive Hell Week. You don't think about it as 7 whole days of misery or when will this end, you just focus on this next wave. Once it passes, you focus on the next wave, then you focus on the next. You rally your brothers and keep their spirits up as well, because Hell is easier when you're in good company.
When you need too, you can look back and see how far you've come and think "I can't give up now, look at all I've done." Or when you want to quit you think "What if I'm almost there, I don't want to ring the bell-just to find out 5 minutes later the week was over."
You need Endurance to survive Hell Week physically, but you need Hope to get though it.

Well I have good company in Hell. My little girl cuddled up on my lap and Char held the both of us. My focus came back, I have to fight or die trying; she has to know we didn't give up, we tried everything, and we LOVED every minute of it. I don't want to ring the Bell and be the last Cadet before the week ends. I have my Hope, I am just riding the wave, one at a time-no more looking at the ocean. I love all of those who are rallying and cheering and praying for me and our family.
If you're going through Hell keep on going--and why not enjoy the scenery-I hear it's lovely this time of year.
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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi