Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feeding the Duckies and Watching the Floods

We've been watching the flood waters rise at work. Everyday I say, "It can't get any higher." Well every night the river is just as stubborn as I am and proves me wrong. For 3 days in a row, it's gotten higher, and will continue to do so. 

 The river was too rapid for us to feed the ducks, something I was looking forward to doing with Heidi Anne all week. Feeding the ducks is easy all you need is < (") :

1) Some old bread, 
2) Find some hungry ducks-which proved rather hard, since all the rivers were flooded-but its normally easy
3) Find a willing child with energy
4) Special for me--Find some shade and a nice bench.
5) Release said child with energy with the bread after the hungry ducks. 
6) Sit back and enjoy the weird game of chase with a hint of fetch and enjoy EVERY second of it.
In the mist of all this my little girl is trying to make duckies share. "No duckie!! You already got some! Come On, play nice. Do you want time out? Momma, they won't share!"  
Here duckie, I have bread for you...(chasing after the goose)..come here I'm sharing...(goose yells "HONK").
Fine, (hands on hips) I'll give it to someone else if you won't play nice.

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi