Monday, August 12, 2013

Medical Personal in the Smog : Part 1 Bone Biopsy

It's the 12th of August and day 5 of my exile in the hospital. I have blending in nicely with the locals, they don't fully know why I am here, but they intend to find out. Those medical personal in the smog.

A small tribe had a meeting just beyond my ear shot. After 10 minutes in a huddle formation they came and gathered around me. After greetings were exchanged the leader of the tribe began to translate what they had been discussing. I've just been told I really need to have some x-rays, maybe CT or MRI scans, even more blood work, and a bone biopsy

The bone biopsy really scares me to be completely honest. There is the pain, the being awake while I am drilled, and the high risk of bleeding due to my Von Willenbrents bleeding disorder. 

Now, I am isolated in my hospital room under PPE precautions waiting to be told when the procedure will officially happen. I have no white blood cells, red blood, no immunity whatsoever. A newborn kitten abandoned in the streets has more immunity then I.

(Scene Change-Flashback Waves) 

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi