Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Halloween!

I Love Halloween at work. Even better-this year Heidi Anne got excited about it as well. She's been telling us all weekend how you are to say "Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat. Thank-you!" In that order or else you get told by a three year old "You're NOT doing Halloween Right."
I think the best part of Halloween has to be our office. We really get into the costumes-many teams do themes together. On top of that there is a best costume award for guys and gals. 
This year I tried to be a paper doll. My plan was to get some poster board, cut out a pattern, and then decopougue it with fabric. Sounded fun, not to mention, fairly simple, unique, and cheap--right?
Well, Round 1: With decoupage failed Horribly! It either didn't stick OR it would curl the poster paper.
Ding, Round 2: With acrylic paints it should have worked...again it rolled and curled to the point beyond use.
Dong,Round 3: Gave up on poster board-got some foam board. It was too stiff. (Yes at this point I felt like Goldilocks and the 3 costume attempts.) I figurded in the battle between flimpsy and stable-stable won. At last with the help of a hot glue gun and some ribbon, I made a sandwich board version of a paper doll. Most kids knew right off the bat what I was trying for. Later in the day I ran into a co-worker, who had the same idea as I did. Only-Her's WORKED. Sooooo......
What I Was Trying For.....
What I Ended Up As

I think Heidi Anne treated the Trick-or-Treat more like an Easter Egg Hunt. She would go from desk to desk and exclaim "Oh!! Another One!! Thank-you!" Then she would spot another desk with a bowl of candy and dart there before Char could catch up with her. Every single time she got a piece of candy or went to a desk with a treat she would say "Oh! Another One!!"

Look! Another One!!
As I said before-We really get into Halloween at work. These are just a few pictures of them. 

Where Did Daddy Go??
The Penguin
Heidi Anne Interrogating My Boss on Her Outfit of Choice
Death vs. Darth--It's On Like Don King Kong!
A Yeap-Yeap--If You Have to Ask-You Missed Out on Childhood

 This is Kay-Bug all ready for her school's Halloween Party, she is Cinderella (LOVE the dress!)! The one in pink is Heidi Anne as a Ballerina. What I think is super funny is the fact that these pictures are taken nearly 100 miles away, however, these 2 little girls are so alike-they strike a pose in nearly the exact same way.
Cori (a Fairy)  and her baby Johhny (A Gnome)!
Maja Cuddles Johhny
He's Just Soooo Cute!!!


  1. Oh I really missed work on Halloween. I didn't miss the greedy kids or trying to take calls while giving out candy though. Who was Darth?

  2. It was Dave!! Best Darth costume EVER! Complete with The Light Saber, which would light up with sounds. All 100% Pure Star Wars to a T! So Cool!


If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi