Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nana's Birthday

Ballerina-Just Finished a Spin
 **Side Note: Nana's favorite color is red, hence the post color.** Anyways, Nana really wanted to see Heidi Anne in her Ballerina outfit. Since we aren't going down to the Valley for Halloween, we let her dress up in it for Nana as part of her birthday gift. Besides, what little girl is going to pass up a chance to wear her Ballerina outfit at every opportunity? Oh, how she LOVES it.  Like the hair? My sister did the bun before we left her house from painting pumpkins. I think it gives it that finishing touch.
Hugs for Alice
Heidi was so excited when her cousin Alice woke up from her nap and was able to play. That made it so she played with ALL of her cousins in 1 day. She was on cloud nine. She would play peek-a-boo with Alice with the tent. Heidi Anne even shared Ana Rose with Alice, now that is love.

Where did she go--(Insert Giggles)
There's Alice!! (Insert Full Force Laughter)
We got to watch Nana open her surprises (learning time for Heidi Anne that not all gifts are for her) it was quite the shocker. I think for being 3 she took it pretty well. I made Nana a box to hold her pins in (she loves to quilt and sew so I  thought a cute little tote with her favorite colors would be handy for her. It was the craft project my sister helped me with (she's the master at those types of crafts-I wish I had her talents). I didn't get a picture of it-but it was so cute I wanted to keep it. Which I think is the sign of a good gift. She also got some things for her running hobby (I don't know much about running), and Hotel Rwanda (the movie-not the place) and a certificate for her Traveled to 100 Counties club. Oh, and the whole family was there (minus Millie but we'll forgive her ;D ) 
Heidi Anne and Alice-Best Gifts Eve
At long last we got to eat the cake. We had to tell Heidi a few times that it was Nana's turn to blow out the candles'-Not Heidi Anne's. She wasn't to happy at first because she had been practing on the way to Nana's house. But once we told her she was still going to get cake and ice cream-all was right in the world again. 
I wish I was three sometimes, when all it takes to right a wrong is some carrot cake and vanilla ice cream.
Being Reminded NOT to Blow out Candles
Ready to Help--Just In Case

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I think Nana needed some help at the end with the candles, so both girls blew from where they sat!


If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi