Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Surprise! A 7 year old, a 7 month old, and I'm 3 months along.

SURPRISE- I'm pregnant. No joke, I now have a 7 year old, a 7 month old, and I'm 3 months along. 

Just so you know, while this wasn't on purpose, it's still a welcomed shock. We learned an important lesson, NEVER take a pregnancy test while on vacation. Back in September we took our first vacation alone since Heidi Anne was born - so first time in 7 years! I thought it was our 10th anniversary when I was still pregnant with Rory, but it was pregnancy brain, it was our 9th anniversary. Char (bless his heart) just rolled with it. Smart man, never mess with a pregnant women. 

Oh it was lovely trip filled with Sushi, Swiss Days, Scones and my first Spa experience, but I was late (again). Char kept teasing me insistently that I was pregnant. Well that starts making you think after a while. So I thought "Okay, I'll take a pregnancy test. It will be negative and we'll continue with our vacation." Can you say "Backfire"?

There I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth, just glancing at the test as it is turning more and more positive. Char hears from the bathroom "YOU'VE got to be kidding me!" 
We took another test the nest morning with an even faster positive test. We spent the rest of the trip going "Hmmm, Well, wow." "Another one, at least Rory with have a close friend (or fiend)." "So much for leaving all the kids at Grandma's, one tagged along." 

Moral of the story - wait until AFTER a vacation to "prove" your spouse wrong / take a pregnancy test of any sort. You could get more then you bargained for, Just saying.
This family just got more adventures, Meet Baby 3. 

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi