Saturday, October 31, 2015

3 Days of Halloween

Most children get to live Halloween once a year. Not Heidi Anne, she got 3 days of Halloween - complete with a different costume a day. Every child's dream. 

The 29th
Heidi Anne's school Halloween party was today. She went as Minnie Mouse. Her favorite part was getting makeup on. I had to get her brighter make-up since she's about 5 skin tones darker than me. My make-up doesn't even show up on her. The school had a parade that parents could attend. Unfortunately, I was having a bad morning sickness day and Rory was teething. 

Yes, I meant to get a picture of her blinking so you could at least see the make-up job I did. Oh, and the nice touch of white gloved hands - very Minnie like. 

The 30th
The day before Halloween all the stores on Downtown Main Street hold a Trick-or-Treat for the kids in the area. However, rumor has it they run out of candy so quickly. I don't normally believe rumors but once a variety of stores started asking for candy donations I knew it was true. I broke it to Heidi Anne that we wouldn't be doing the Main Street.
Luckily, our church was doing a fun trunk or treat, which would more then make up for it. Until I had another horrible morning sickness day (apparently, I spoke to soon when I claimed smooth sailing in the post before this one). Anyways, a friend from church took her along where she had a blast. She wanted to be something different from the day before. Tonight's choice was (drum roll,please) a cowgirl. I know you're thinking comp-out, but she loves being a real life cowgirl. 
Oh, here is Rory slightly dressed up as Frankenstein's Monster. Yikes, there goes his outfit for tomorrow, no pictures are needed. 

The 31st -"REAL" Halloween
This time Heidi Anne wanted to be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. She wore a gingham dress that my Granny made for me when I was about her age. Her hair just doesn't seem to hold curls very well, nonetheless, I think it worked out. 
She got some special all to herself Daddy time. He took her around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat. Then she got to hand out candy to the kids who came to the house. She would say things in a higher pitched voice like, "What a lovely costume." Or "Oh my, who do we have here?" I believe she had more fun handing out the candy than getting it. 
Rory didn't go out this year. He developed a nasty cold and began growing tooth number 2. Besides, all of the candy he could have gathered would have gone to Heidi Anne, (who didn't need more candy.) I still had to commemorate his first Halloween. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sitting, Teething, and Chicken Pox

Rory spent this month learning to sit up. He started out sitting alone from a few seconds to a minute. It became more of a game of chicken for me. "If / when do I save him from falling?" "Do I let him hold my fingers so he can sit up longer?" 
Now he can sit up by himself, even put his hands out for balance. I'm not sure of his limit. I'm still in shock what he's achived in less than 4 weeks - so I have the boppy behind him for my piece of mind.  
Rory is also cutting his first tooth (maybe teeth). Whenever I wonder how on Earth I forgot about the happy, fun time that is teething, I remember to cut myself some slack. It's been 7 years since I went though this and even then I was working. I didn't spend 24 / 7 with a teething baby Heidi.  
Rory is like an adorable puppy; extra drooly, gnawing on everything in sight (except for binkies or food), not sleeping, and abnormally cranky. I just got this cute picture after he had been given some Motrin before bedtime.    
Heidi had an interesting Fall Break. A week before her break we had the following conversation-
Me: What would you like to do for Fall Break?
Heidi: I donno, something fun. 
Me: Like what?
Heidi: Oh, like deer hunting.
Instead she spent it with chicken poxs. No friends, no park, no adventures. Just reading, coloring, itching, spots, and a mild fever. We found it odd to have chicken pox after being vaccinated 2 times against it. We just prayed Rory didn't catch it. I also found out that calamine lotion is impossible to find because no one needs it anymore. 

Her pediatrician wanted her to come in because her chances of getting chicken pox is 0.001%. So still a chance, but the likelihood of measles is much higher (and sadly more common) these days. Turns out she has a unique allergy to a bug bite that will happen anytime that bug bites her from now on. We can't pin it down since she pretty much lives outside and hangs around horses. 
At least she got to learn how to bathe a pony. Which she had a ton of fun doing. I love how she is learning not just how to ride but to take care of a horse overall. I just adore her teacher and recommend her to anyone in town. I can't wait for Rory to learn to ride.

So far this has been the easiest pregnancy by far. I'm guessing this is normal amount of nausaua. But I feel so much more exhausted. However, the 7 year old and 7 month old may have a hand in that regard. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Surprise! A 7 year old, a 7 month old, and I'm 3 months along.

SURPRISE- I'm pregnant. No joke, I now have a 7 year old, a 7 month old, and I'm 3 months along. 

Just so you know, while this wasn't on purpose, it's still a welcomed shock. We learned an important lesson, NEVER take a pregnancy test while on vacation. Back in September we took our first vacation alone since Heidi Anne was born - so first time in 7 years! I thought it was our 10th anniversary when I was still pregnant with Rory, but it was pregnancy brain, it was our 9th anniversary. Char (bless his heart) just rolled with it. Smart man, never mess with a pregnant women. 

Oh it was lovely trip filled with Sushi, Swiss Days, Scones and my first Spa experience, but I was late (again). Char kept teasing me insistently that I was pregnant. Well that starts making you think after a while. So I thought "Okay, I'll take a pregnancy test. It will be negative and we'll continue with our vacation." Can you say "Backfire"?

There I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth, just glancing at the test as it is turning more and more positive. Char hears from the bathroom "YOU'VE got to be kidding me!" 
We took another test the nest morning with an even faster positive test. We spent the rest of the trip going "Hmmm, Well, wow." "Another one, at least Rory with have a close friend (or fiend)." "So much for leaving all the kids at Grandma's, one tagged along." 

Moral of the story - wait until AFTER a vacation to "prove" your spouse wrong / take a pregnancy test of any sort. You could get more then you bargained for, Just saying.
This family just got more adventures, Meet Baby 3. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Did I Mention Rory?

I feel horrible, I realized that there aren't any posts about Rory! But the time Heidi Anne was his age, well...I had 6 months x 4 weeks = at least 24 posts. Can you tell he's a second child? Well, no more. I will keep up on Rory like I did with Heidi Anne.


Well little Rory was born one month early (just like Heidi Anne). I'm working on a post for his birth, which involved an emergency c-section. Fingers crossed it'll get done before his birthday.

5 Months
Here is Rowan with his cousin G. They are two months apart (Rory is the older one). I think they'll be great friends as they grow up. 
He said his first word this month, "Hi, Hi" which means Heidi Anne. She was thrilled that she was her baby brother's first word. 

6 Months
Here is a picture of Rory at his doctor appointment. He is now 16 pounds, 27 inches long, and a head the size of an 8 month old.  Which translates to being long, thin, and top heavy. Side note, he had a rough time after his shots.
Right now he can say "Daddaddad", and he says it in an excited voice with a bit of a squeal. Normally, it's when he's having fun or looking for it. Also, whenever he sees Char. 

He can say "Mawma, Mawma", which he says anytime he sees me. It tends to have a note of sadness to it. He cries out Mawma whenever he's in trouble, hungry, needs a change, ect, anything mommy fixes. Char says Rory just sounds like he's looking for comfort and not full of sorrow. 
He also says "Roar", which is so fun. I love playing with him and hearing his "Roar" followed by a fountain of giggles. It's like I just missed out on the best joke he'll ever tell. I adore this little happy boy of mine. 

While he can't sit up on his own yet, he gets around in other ways. First he rolls around or scoots around. It's like I blink and he's on the other side of the room somehow. 
I must mention the stationary walker / exerciser. We got it at a yard sale for $10. He LOVES it! He has fun; going in circles, bouncing, standing up "alone", and playing with the different toys. Best $10 ever spent!