Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Call of Duty: Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies in Action
Call of Duty: Beanie Babies

This message is mainly to my fellow Loganities-or surrounding areas. In this holiday season we're all reminded to help others, to give to those in need, ect. This year it seems abnormally hard due to the economy. I know of a project almost anyone can help with. There is a team who is gathering items for soldiers. But their biggest request is for something most likely sitting on your computer, in your garage, or on a shelf. Beanie Babies.

This is a direct quote from the site regarding beanie babies--Don't buy new ones--:

“Send some in every package... as they are really easy for the Soldiers to carry with them and give to the local kids who love them. These are better then small plastic toys which will break easily and are not as easy to carry in a pack. There is NO more effective ambassador for our country than a Soldier helping the local folks. This is done far more often then the press shows, and quite probably the most important thing a Soldier will ever do.  You folks sent the toys this Marine is handing to the child."

I didn't want them to be donated to DI or other thrift store. I wanted to make sure someone would love it and cherish it. 

Now I am not suggesting you give away your beloved Princess Diane purple Teddy or Squirrel or anything beloved-like the super cute GiGi that you are saving for your little 4 year old. But I know there is at least a few you doubled up on some beanies as your genius plan to sell on e-bay (when you were 10). If you can-please bring your treasure to our office by December 10th-our boss will pay for the shipping-so bring whatever you have. Hey, you might find the baby dolphin you always wanted-go ahead, trade it out as a two for one. (You donate two-and get the 1 you want). 

This holiday season is tough-maybe you're not able to support a paper angel-but we all have it better than most of the world-and that little kid looks happier than anything I have seen in a long time.

The goal is 75--I will post daily how many there are. Currently we have 10--

Sharing IS Caring 
Ready. Set. GO!!!

1 comment:

  1. We're still at 10-which is so sad. Look at the pictures and play "Arms of an Angle" Sarah Mclachlan style.


If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi