few things about the Valley-
1) They
do the fireworks on the 3rd of July. I am not sure if that's because a lot of
people are out on the 4th or they just like it here.
2) The stadium where they ignite the
fireworks is on the top of the hill.
3) It can get freaking cold at night here still (We
had a nasty storm that came in on the 1st bringing temps down to the 50's).
4) We have a room (it's our office, reading,
and craft room) that has two big windows facing the mountains. This is a
pretty view no matter what-but when there are fireworks involved it's
As I said above, we
the 3rd of July. To start the night off we had hamburgers and I got turkey
burgers. While we were cooking, Heidi Anne kept jumping up and down (really she
was jumping up and down).
got to be 9:00, that last hour before the fireworks show . This is when
kids can either be amped up to stay awake to see fireworks (to be ah and
amazed) or to sleep and miss it (thus a very grumpy child for a week or two).
We opted for the happy kid.
But it wasn't the easiest thing.
Towards 9:00 pm we all went outside. We set
up our camping chairs and ate some ice cream. While eating ice cream Heidi Anne
saw her first neighbored fire work show. Making her even
MORE excited.
9:30, that last 1/2 hour before the fireworks show. Daddad brought out the fireworks. First we played with the Snap Pops. Heidi Anne loved them; she had so much fun watching Momma / DadDad she picked it up in no time. Well almost no time, sometimes she couldn't throw them hard enough, so the snaps wouldn't pop.
9:30, that last 1/2 hour before the fireworks show. Daddad brought out the fireworks. First we played with the Snap Pops. Heidi Anne loved them; she had so much fun watching Momma / DadDad she picked it up in no time. Well almost no time, sometimes she couldn't throw them hard enough, so the snaps wouldn't pop.
9:55-5 minutes to go so we packed up our gear to go watch the show
from the office room. As soon as we go into the room-the show was starting. It
started 5 minutes early. As soon as she saw the fireworks she was bumping up
and down on the sofa. Shortly into the show she stated "These fireworks
are fun, but aren't as pretty as the firework stars last year." It's
amazing what kids remember.
Next year we'll try to get closer to the show-maybe that will make
them firework stars again for her.
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