Wednesday, August 4, 2010

more daddy thoughts

So the drama continues from yesterday. It always amazes me how much pain women in general and specifically my wife can handle and keep on going. Lissa went through 30 hours of labor with no epidural and still thought that she should have been stronger. she went through surgery on Monday with little or no pain medications, and wondered if that was okay to do. However, this is still the worst pain I have ever seen her in.

The good news is that the hospital is keeping her relatively pain free until her pancreas is back to normal. I believe that she has had this in a medium form for the past 4-6 months and it just spiked to horrible levels this week. Which means she has been in mild to severe pain for over 4 months but has not let onto it.

I have met very few people who are so stubborn and not willing to give in as Lissa, even though she woke up with stabbing pain on Tues and had a hard time breathing she still had to go into work because it was billing and there is no excuse to miss billing days. When I met her on the first floor to go home, or so she thought, all she thought she needed was some rest at home and she would be back to work the next day. I am glad I don't necessarily listen to her all the time and dragged her to the ER. Lissa had sworn off wheel chairs and vowed to never use them, she didn't when we had Heidi only after when no one would let her walk, but she asked for one. to sum it all up, Lissa is a very strong and amazing women who has a crazy strong work ethic.

1 comment:

  1. Heaven forbid anything happen during billing. I still feel guilty planning things from the 1st to the 15th

    I'm glad everything is going better. Please let me know if you need anything.


If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi