Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Nothing Can Destroy the US Air Force!!

I've been looking into the government shut down, all I would find was name calling and finger pointing. I somehow came across this letter to from the commander (named below). Here is his entire address to the USAF. 

TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- First and foremost, I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the way you have handled the chaos during the last few months. The budget crisis in Washington turned very personal for each and every AFSC member with furloughs, the shutdown, pay issues, and impacts to operations. I know the turmoil has caused difficulties at home and at work. But through it all, you have demonstrated the highest level of professionalism!

While the debates continue in DC, we are moving forward with the understanding that the President and Congress want to minimize the impact to the Department of Defense and to the dedicated men and women who serve our Nation, both civil servants and those in uniform. During the weekend many of your teammates worked to correct the coding problems that led to the pay issues. We fully expect these issues will be rectified for the next pay period.

Air Force flying operations are ramping up to full strength, and within AFSC, we are responding because of our critical role in "Generating Airpower" and maintaining readiness. So even with the continuing uncertainty in Washington, AFSC is setting its sites on regaining our edge. We are going to take control of what we can and manage expectations for what we can't control. We need to maintain our high standards of safety, quality, and delivery while supporting fellow Wingmen. We are resilient Airmen with much to be proud.

As a team we will drive through this difficult situation on the path to achieving "Art of the Possible" results. We have the "AFSC Way" as the touchstone for executing our mission and use it as a way to deliver the capabilities our warfighters need. Our mission and purpose for coming to work is just as important today as it has always been.

Let's set the example for all to follow as we generate airpower for our Nation and support those who may need a helping hand.

Keep 'em flying...it's what we do!

Lieutenant General, USAF
Commander, AFSC

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi