Monday, December 31, 2012

Pretty Pictures of Heidi Anne

My sister in law, Emily, gave us these pictures of Heidi Anne and Alice for Christmas. They are so sweet and elegant. I love these pics so much I had to share them.

Heidi Anne-In First Position

Alice and Heidi Anne 

I love her beautiful, long, dark, eyelashes and that little-dimpled  grin

My Little Lady 

Alice and Heidi Anne having fun

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Kabuki Fun

Christmas Eve started out with me getting to go to lunch with 2 of my best friends Cori and Stacy. We took Stacy to Kabuki for her birthday because what says Happy Birthday more then a hibachi grill? We attempted to get her to eat sushi but she wouldn't take the bait. Lame I know. Bad puns aside it was awesome!! If you get the chance you have to go there! The sushi is tasty, the grill is entertaining to watch, and they offer a they have a whole host of other options in case sushi isn't your thing. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Heidi Anne Highlights

Heidi Anne always says exactly what's on her mind-and there is at least something daily she says that is just off the wall. So I am going to start saving the Heidi Anne Highlights.

This morning we were asking Heidi what daddy's name was and she said "Charles, because he is in charge."

Me to Char: I think if she's good she can have S-P-R-I-T-E (spelled it out) 
Heidi Anne: I want Sprite, I'm good, I'm good. Can I have Sprite please? 
Having a smart kid can have it's drawbacks.

There are always 3 people watching you; God, Santa, and the Elf on the Shelf.

I honestly can't remember anything from Monday.

I love to play with play dough. I tell my friends "Susu says you can make it look like food, but you can't eat it. See Momma, I can share so nicely." (Insert cute little grin and slight turn of the chin).

Heidi-Anne started to head to bed but she then found out that we didn't have to go to bed yet. She happily came out into the living room and then ran back to her room arms out like Super Man saying "Don't worry blankie! I'll come rescue you!" She came back to the living room cuddling the blankie lovingly saying "I told you I'd save you."

Tonight Heidi Anne serenaded us to her own collection of Christmas songs. She got up on the coffee table, A.K.A Her stage then sang and danced for us. My personal favorites were:
Frosty the Girl Snowman 
Rudolf the Reindeer, who had a nose like a flashlight-(Daddad! Stop Singing!)
We Three Wise Guys 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Paging Doctor House...

If anyone knows how I can get in contact with a real life Doctor House, that would be wonderful. I will put up with his or hers terrible bedside manner. 

I thought I would give ya guys a quick update on me.

Monday-I was really stiff and unable to move, so I thought it was just a flare.

Tuesday-I couldn't talk and my whole right side stopped working. Char took me to the ER. Something was up with my breathing, I would start to fall asleep and alarms would go off. My heart rate and oxygen levels went to 7 beats and 70% for oxygen. They did an MRI and showed no signs of Stroke. Which they were really worried about. To be honest "stroke" didn't even cross my mind.

They gave me prednisone (in case it's autoimmune reaction) and and strong antibiotics (in case that caused it). They won't get the lab work until at least tomorrow, so they wanted to cover their bases by giving me both meds. They aren't sure what was up with the breathing thing. One idea they had was that my body is just super tried, so everything is just having a hard time moving.

Today-I can talk now and move more then yesterday. But still very, very, stiff and sleepy. I have a Doc appt on Friday.

We'll just have to wait until the labs and the doc appointment but the good news is I am at least improving. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snow Day Shorts

Yesterday her teacher told us a little story about Heidi Anne. Background story-Heidi Anne is a very active little girl. She loves to wear dresses and skirts-but she loves to climb up trees, play sports, and be an all around tom boy. So to balance that out, she wears pants or shorts under her dresses. I am normally on top of things with the weather, it's been so warm lately I've just been letting her put on shorts.

Well, as she went outside to go play on a bike at recess she looked down at the shorts she was wearing then the snow on the ground. (Oopps,some nameless mother missed the weather forecast for snow. Eekk) She then told the teacher, "Huh?? This isn't right! What was my mom thinking, short pants on a snow day!!" She shook her head as she pedaled away muttering to herself  "Silly, Momma." 

Momma Goal # 666 - End of the World Resoultions

I wanted to send a HUGE thanks to my Aunt Deb-she sent us 20 beanie babies, this made the grand total 35 beanie babies and 5 teddy bears-So 40 gifts for our soldiers to pay it forward. 

Well, since it's almost the end of the world-I thought I would go ahead and make some resolutions.  I guess these would be called "Apocalypse Resolutions" instead of "New Year Resolutions? Right now the main one I can think of is wanting to be more like my sister Rebekah, and my  friends; Valerie, Cori, and Stacy.

Rebekah is great Mom to Kayla and Rykken. I'm not sure how she does it, but she has the 2 sweetest kids I know. She's a working mom, but she still takes the time to play board games with her kids, limits what they watch or play on the computer, does kid crafts with them, does real Esty standard crafts, and did I mention a working mom? She's the peacemaker and point of contact in my family. She knows what's going on with everyone at all times. She's a very forgiving person as well. Like all families there  have been hurt feelings, but she forgives. 

I want to be more like Rebekah and work on becoming a more forgiving person. 

Valerie is an awesome mom-with twin girls and a little boy she is easily outnumbered. But you can tell she loves her life. I once heard "The more you write down [in a journal  blog, diary, smoke signal] more things will happen around you". I have no idea where I heard it, but I did. 
Her blog is proof positive of this. What she writes is funny, honest, heartfelt, and has adventures galore. One of my favorite posts she does is when she shares her timeline of the whole day. If anyone is a stay at home mom or dad-you should do the same. Just reading about Valerie's day makes me exhausted-so print a copy of hers or better yet make your own, so if someone ever tells you how easy you have it being the stay at home parent-you can prove them wrong.
This blog started because I wanted to keep all my family and friends posted about what my new little bundle of joy was up to. Over the years it's really Heidi Anne's journal-something to read about as she gets older. She already loves to have me read to her old posts. 

Anyways-I want to be more like Valerie by being more proactive with my entries. I want to write at least 2 posts a week. (Even if it's just telling Heidi Anne what we did for 24 hours on a random day).

Cori is just awesome. She is fun to be around, she loves to write, read, be with her little boy, and smart. She is great to talk to, she calls a spade a spade. She always ready and willing to try things outside of her comfort zone with such ease (then again-it may not be as easy as she makes it look). Some great examples is her ability to try so many different foods-Indian food (the ones from India), Thai, Chuck-A-Rama, ect. Another example is the verity of books she reads or the ability to just go out there testing out different opportunities. 

I want to be more like Cori and keep going down the road less traveled-well in her case, creating the trail that will create a road less traveled. Keep pushing myself to get out of my little bubble-within reason. 

Stacy is the most patient, kind, caring, detailed person I know. Honestly, she is the MOST patient and understanding person I know. Our work can be extremely stressful at times but she doesn't take out her frustrations on other people. She lives on the other side of the country but she has such a close relationship with her family and friends you almost forget she's not down the road. She is a great friend, she is always there for everyone, either by giving emotional support or being there in person, and truly cares for people.  She's also a good cook and a very crafty (as in Pinterest crafty not villain crafty) person.  

I want to be more like Stacy and keep in better touch with family and friends.We live a few hours away, so I can't be there in person for a lot of events, but I can be there with more emotional support or utilizing skype, test, facebook, ect. I think I focus so much on the day to day-that it's 10 days before I've even talked with my sister. 

So those are my goals-Your Move, Mayan Calendar 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Call of Duty: Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies in Action
Call of Duty: Beanie Babies

This message is mainly to my fellow Loganities-or surrounding areas. In this holiday season we're all reminded to help others, to give to those in need, ect. This year it seems abnormally hard due to the economy. I know of a project almost anyone can help with. There is a team who is gathering items for soldiers. But their biggest request is for something most likely sitting on your computer, in your garage, or on a shelf. Beanie Babies.

This is a direct quote from the site regarding beanie babies--Don't buy new ones--:

“Send some in every package... as they are really easy for the Soldiers to carry with them and give to the local kids who love them. These are better then small plastic toys which will break easily and are not as easy to carry in a pack. There is NO more effective ambassador for our country than a Soldier helping the local folks. This is done far more often then the press shows, and quite probably the most important thing a Soldier will ever do.  You folks sent the toys this Marine is handing to the child."

I didn't want them to be donated to DI or other thrift store. I wanted to make sure someone would love it and cherish it. 

Now I am not suggesting you give away your beloved Princess Diane purple Teddy or Squirrel or anything beloved-like the super cute GiGi that you are saving for your little 4 year old. But I know there is at least a few you doubled up on some beanies as your genius plan to sell on e-bay (when you were 10). If you can-please bring your treasure to our office by December 10th-our boss will pay for the shipping-so bring whatever you have. Hey, you might find the baby dolphin you always wanted-go ahead, trade it out as a two for one. (You donate two-and get the 1 you want). 

This holiday season is tough-maybe you're not able to support a paper angel-but we all have it better than most of the world-and that little kid looks happier than anything I have seen in a long time.

The goal is 75--I will post daily how many there are. Currently we have 10--

Sharing IS Caring 
Ready. Set. GO!!!