Heidi Anne has an addiction. She LOVES snow. I mean LOVES it. Lucky for her we live in one of the coldest and snowest places in Utah. Maybe she's figured out the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
Everytime it snows, even just a tiny bit, she jumps up and down or twirls around, singing "It's SNOWING! It's SNOWING! I LOVE you snow!"
She has begun to hear her pink snowboots everyday, weather or not (haha-weather) there is or will be snow. She wants to be prepared just in case snow shows up.
With the snow comes cold weather. A few days ago as she was heading outside to play outside bundled her up good and tight wearing; my ski cap, the coat hood on top of that, snow gloves, boots, and cozy purple coat. Her teacher, Susan, said "Heidi, you look like an Eskimo". Heidi giggled, "Susan, I not a Eskimo-I Heidi!"
Once outside she gathered her friends together to try to make a snow fort. They got all the snow they could find, piled it up, only to see it be mid calf high and not sticking well. Heidi Anne came up with the idea of putting snow on the playhouse and calling that the snow fort. The others readily agreed, covered the playhouse in snow, then called it a fort.
Oh, to be three again, at least I can see it all through her!
Everytime it snows, even just a tiny bit, she jumps up and down or twirls around, singing "It's SNOWING! It's SNOWING! I LOVE you snow!"
She has begun to hear her pink snowboots everyday, weather or not (haha-weather) there is or will be snow. She wants to be prepared just in case snow shows up.
With the snow comes cold weather. A few days ago as she was heading outside to play outside bundled her up good and tight wearing; my ski cap, the coat hood on top of that, snow gloves, boots, and cozy purple coat. Her teacher, Susan, said "Heidi, you look like an Eskimo". Heidi giggled, "Susan, I not a Eskimo-I Heidi!"
Once outside she gathered her friends together to try to make a snow fort. They got all the snow they could find, piled it up, only to see it be mid calf high and not sticking well. Heidi Anne came up with the idea of putting snow on the playhouse and calling that the snow fort. The others readily agreed, covered the playhouse in snow, then called it a fort.
Oh, to be three again, at least I can see it all through her!