Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Be Tired But Still Fun

Being tired doesn't mean you can't be a fun Momma. I just save up my energy for the Big Adventures. However, we do at least 30 minuites of book reading a night and she's almost old enough to start playing games. We only have a few games and most of them are a bit too old for her, (ie-Clue, Life- just a little advavanced) but she loves to play Candyland. Great game, teaches her to take turns, colors, and sharing. I've invited my own version of Cooties-but with Mr. Potato Head. Basically, we play Mr. Potato head, but we collect different pieces and put them in weird spots. SO I just realized it's really just playing Mr. Potato Head and I just tell myself it's like Cooties. (I may need to rethink this game or get the real one sometime...) Mr. Cootie Potato Head works for now ^( . . )^
Side Note-Ever notice that Sharing always seems to go in the childs' favor, when the child brings up sharing?
Example; "Daddy you should share. Can I have some of your muffin, please?"--It's like a preemptive guilt trip by a toddler. Even worse, if You, (the parent), don't share, you send the message that they, (the child) do not have to share either. So you must share, in order to practice what you preach.

Every little child has a movie or book they must have over and over. Lucky for me, I like them too. We don't watch much TV, but we watch a lot of movies. At the end of the day once her walks with Daddy are done, books are read, and she's ready for bed we watch a movie. All three of us cuddle up together for movies. Sometimes she gets to be in the middle, sometimes she picks a lap, or she lays over both of us, curled up with her blank.Char and I like movies but Heidi Anne Loves them. Which is why Netfilx is soooo wonderful. We watch a lot of different movies, right now her favorites are:
~ Spirited Away                   ~Meet the Robinsons
~Ponyo                                 ~Beauty and the Beast
~My Neighbor Tuturo       ~Toy Story (1-3)
~Shrek                                 ~Monsters v. Aliens
~Tangled                              ~Princess and the Frog
~Kung Fu Panda                 ~Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
~Cars                                   ~Emperor's New Groove
~Pretty Much any Pixar   ~Pretty much any Studio Ghibli

~~~Anything Simpsons~~~~

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi