To realize that it's okay that my little girl has an unusual appetite, and may even be a vegetarian all before the age of three, despite my attempts.
Now-I am not against being a vegetarian, or people that choose to do it. I myself, am lactose intolerant (Can't help it, I Just hate cows). That being said I think that a lot of parents limit their child's diet really just hurts the kid down the road. Sure, we may not like Guava or turkey bacon, but that doesn't mean we can't feed it to them. (I think of is as the old Life cereal commercial-Hey, give it to Mikey, Mikey eats anything).
When Heidi Anne started eating solid food, we decided early on we want to expose her to a verity of foods (translation-at least try), we weren't going to force her to eat things she didn't want (I don't like the Clean Plate Club), however, we weren't short order chefs. She is served what we all eat at home, but she has chosen more often then not to avoid meat and to gobble up fruits and veggies.
When we talk to her day care they tell us that she normally eats more then any of the other kids and she is often caught trying to trade away her treats for their fruit for veggies. Yes-she will trade her cookies to get corn or apple slices. If she has nothing to trade she will convince the other kid that their food is "EEEW Gross!!" That child then gives the dreaded piece of cauliflower to Heidi Anne-the Victor.
It's just so funny to me that we expose her to all this verity but there are still those like mother, like daughter patterns. Just like me, she likes fish, chicken, eggs, and LOVES rice and potatoes! Just like me, she's allergic to milk, and she just doesn't like red meat or pork.
Unlike me-I would never trade my cookies for veggies. Sorry, I'm just not that healthy.
So I guess I should also realize that it's okay my little girl is like me in some ways--just means I have to be careful now that I know she's watching.....
"I myself, am lactose intolerant (Can't help it, I Just hate cows)"