I may never publish this, it could be for nothing, just a mom overreacting. But I need to talk to someone, besides Char. So you're it blog. Aren't you lucky? I'll only publish this if there is something going on. Otherwise, it's just a mom who hasn't had a baby boy before and every kid is different.
Rory at 9 months:
He doesn't respond to his name. You can call "Rory" till the cows come home, but he won't turn around. He responds to tone, he'll turn around. But you can call him "Sally", "Bobby", or "Sue" and he turns around. I could swear that by the time Heidi Anne was his age she was responding to her name. Maybe he just doesn't know it yet?
Also, he'll only drink laying down. Perhaps, it's just a "Rory" thing. Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Rory at 10 months:
Rory has started this clicking sound. He does it when he's happy but also when he's upset, too. It's kind of cute. He still won't respond to his name. But with all the stress right now, well, maybe he's just reacting to it. Look at this cute guy!
Rory at 11 months:
Well, Anastasia was born. I'm keeping a separate update on her. He's become a crawling machine! So close to walking I'm sure!! He says "Momma"! and "Dadda", and "Ball. Maybe this worry is all for nothing.
Rory at 12 months:
Well his birthday didn't go as planned. He REFUSED to do the smash cake. He hates getting messy, like he physically can't stand it. This is as messy as it got. My concerns are growing. He won't wave "Bye" or "Hello". He can only drink laying down. We've tried different sippy cups, but he will go without drinking. It's like he can't learn to drink sitting up.He still isn't walking. But he can stand and cruise around just fine.
Char is starting to worry about him now as well. But his doctor said "He was premature. Let's compare him to an 11 month old. Give him more time. Don't worry so much." Then asked and talked about Anastasia."Take care of the new baby, she needs you." Which made me feel better. Anastasia needs me more right now, and apparently all he needs is time. He says "Heidi" and "Uh-Oh" now, too.
Rory at 14 Months:
Sorry I haven't written, life has been hectic. Anastasia just got home this month. Something finally clicked with Rory and he's started walking. I'm so proud of my handsome little man. He does this adorable thing with he's hands as he walks. He opens and closes them in time to his steps.
Rory at 16 Months:
I'm using gray for a reason. Something is not right. My mommy-tution is telling me this. Here's some things worrying us.
- He's stopped saying "Momma", he only will say it if he's super upset and crying.
- He's stopped saying "ball". I can't get him to say it for the life of me.
- He doesn't look at you, more like he looks through you.
- We went to a family reunion and he didn't do well. He freaked out when he normally just goes to sleep right away. But, no, he had a meltdown.
- He'll only eat in a high chair, like he'll nibble if he's on your lap, but he won't eat unless he's in that high chair.
- He still doesn't respond to his name. (I know you're not supposed to compare kids but his cousin responds to their name and he's 7 weeks younger than Rory).
- He will only drink on the floor like he did at 9 months old. We've tried many different types of cups, sippy cups, straw cups, the whole gambit.
- He gets super obsessed over certain toys.
- He won't give hugs or kisses. He'll take them but won't give them.
- He doesn't wave "Hi" or "Bye".
- He won't play the "Where's your eyes, nose, mouth, ect." game.
I can't wait for his 18 month check up. I'm sure this isn't normal behavior. Char is really worried, which makes me more worried. But he's so happy. Just my happy boy.
Rory at 18 months:
Well, the Well Child check didn't go as planned. The doctor agreed with me something is off. He's delayed in speech, and the phrase "autistic like behaviors" came up. I'm going to keep a better detailed log of this new journey we're going through.
2016 has been one HELL of a year. A 3 month premature baby isn't enough? Now something is wrong with my only happy little boy? I keep asking myself, WHY?? But I know no answer will be coming any time soon.
2016 has been one HELL of a year. A 3 month premature baby isn't enough? Now something is wrong with my only happy little boy? I keep asking myself, WHY?? But I know no answer will be coming any time soon.
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