Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dear Blog, IOU

Dear Blog,
You are the only way I can freeze these cute, Heidi-ish things that happen. Keeping up with a little Heidi Anne and her adventures can be hard! I want to tell you all about her Easter, her first experience at a theatrical performance, more of Heidi Anne and her ballet, and just a few little funny stories about that little girl who's growing up way to fast. From her writing a letter because she was mad to helping us get a sitter for our first date in a LONG time.
Example, she used to say "Watch Me DO!!" Now, she says "Hey, watch me" or "Watch me do (fill in blank). Just the small signs she's growing up to fast.
I will update you so I can capture those moments (albeit delayed). Thanks for being the keeper of my memories. I will appreciate you more than ever as she gets bigger and older.

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi