Heidi Anne is getting to the point where you can play "Can You Say..."and she will say it or at least try really hard to say it. That's every ones the new favorite game to play with Heidi Anne now. It's so fun to do! And she says and identifies so much!
Well, not everyone appreciates her new vocal abilities. When the cats get up onto the landings or table when Char or I am out of the room. We suddenly hear, "NO, No, No! Down, Down, Cat!" We come in just as the cats are sulking away. As they pass her they seem to give her a look saying "Darn you and your ability to talk."
She is loving to play pretend right now too! She loves to dance to the Itsy Bitsy Spider, when you get to Out Came The Sun, she spins in these little tight circles, like a baby ballerina.
She loves to cook, mixing things, cutting them, or playing with her tea set (which she got for Christmas). She packs her purse and will say "Bye, Bye" and blow us kisses. She also plays with her baby dolls so sweetly. She says "Babe, Babe", wraps them up in a blanket, cuddles and rocks them. Then she tells us "Shhhhh, nigh, nigh" (night night). Then she kisses them and puts them to bed.
Seriously, your stories of Heidi Anne are just too cute - love them all!