Friday, March 22, 2019

Humpty Dumpty, Brownies, Start of Spring

Anastasia loves nursery rhymes and songs and often uses them to express her feelings instead of being able to just say what's going on in her head. We're pretty certain this is due to her autism and just her way of communicating. So we adapt and learn her riddles.
For a while, she's been asking for a "Humpty Dumpty dress, priddle [pretty] please?" Thankfully it's spring! I found an Easter egg outfit with baby chicks all over. It's supposed to be a tunic and capris but it's more of a dress with ruffled leggings on her. I'm happy with it because it gives her room to grow. As soon as Anastasia opened it up she yelled "Humpty Dumpty!! Soft. On? Priddle please!" She wears it frequently and we've only had it for a week. 
Heidi likes cooking dinner with me and baking during weekends or at night. She's discovered while these tend to be chores they double as coping skills for her. Heidi still loves taking pictures, especially of the Littles. 
Sometimes she'll let the Littles help her out and we end up with fun memories like these. Heidi was making brownies and we got some frosting and sprinkles to top it off with. She frosted the brownies and divided the sprinkles between the 3 of them. 
Anastasia promptly ate all of hers, not a single crumb made it onto the brownies. Rowan would pour his allotment onto the very center of the brownies. They were very perplexed to discover we couldn't make more sprinkles magically appear, no matter how politely they would ask.
We've been enjoying the lovely spring weather by going to the neighborhood park any chance we get. It supposed to be chilly for this time of year, however, it's perfect spring weather to us. The preschool has a difficult time keeping jackets on Anastasia and Rowan while outdoors.
The park we frequently go to is small, however, there are benches, swings and a slide. Rowan and Anastasia are learning to play pretend. Right now, Anastasia likes to act like a puppy. Complete with licking people. Rowan will climb to the top of the slide, shouting "LOOK!! Rowan climbing the highest mountain!" 
Rowan and Anastasia ask me or Heidi to take pictures of any flowers we pass while we're out on walks. 
To which we happily oblige them. I figure it's more polite to take a picture and have a pretty memory then letting them pick the flowers and having them die in a day or two. 
The Littles are learning Yoga at preschool, Rowan has really gravitated to it. He just loves to get into yoga poses and sit in the sun. Anastasia is picking up deep breathing techniques for when she's flustered. I think it's safe to say they are loving their teachers and preschool in general.
I've also made a sad realization. When your child has difficulties with speech they can't have those adorable, yet incorrect, pronunciation of words. For example, Anastasia says "priddle" instead of "pretty". Or she has a baby T-Rex she has to sleep with at night, she calls him "Baby Wex".

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If you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all--Bambi