Sunday, August 28, 2016

August Catch Up

August. August, got away from me. It got busy, fast. Anastasia had several doctor appointments, we went to Grandma's, we went to a wedding, Heidi went to a play, and we just had back to school night. 

So I'll start where I left off. Anastasia's surgery for her 3 hernias. Well, you know what happened at the hospital with me but more things were going on at Grandma's. 
Daddy took Heidi Anne to get her ears pierced since she's 8 and a big girl. After that, Rory got his very first hair cut. Heidi got a new haircut for the start of a new school year. They both look so adorable. 

The following week Anastasia had a well child check where the doctor agreed with us that something is up with her head and neck. An appointment was set up for the following week with a physical therapist. Anastasia also got her 6 month old shots. 
That Friday we drove down to be in Salt Lake for Aunt Millie's wedding. 
Heidi was one of her flower girls in a lovely yellow dress. 
Rory was in a handsome four piece suit as a ring barer. 
(Anastasia was an honorary flower girl). 
After the ceremony and family photos we had some time to kill before brunch, so we walked around Temple Square and City Creek Center (which we were way over dressed for). The family brunch was at the Porcupine Grill. Which was a lot of fun. We had to leave a little early because Anastasia decided she was done and wanted to be cuddled in a nice, quite place. 

We went to Grandma's to give Anastasia her much needed quite time and help out setting up for the reception. It was around this time Anastasia spit up all over my nice wedding pictures dress. Luckily, I had a backup outfit. Anyways, the reception was lovely and held in Grandma's garden.  Since there was a photographer I didn't think to get pictures. 

Side note - I think you take less pictures the more kids you have because you're wrangling more kids! I totally spaced getting pictures to share. Sigh.

Well the following week Anastasia had her eye appointment where she was declared clear of ROP!! Yeah! On the other hand she is still tiny even by preemie standards. To help her gain weight she was put on pure fat called MiroLipids. Each ounce of formula now contains 30-31 calories (compared to regular formula / breast-milk which has 19 calories). You can  only get MicroLipids from Primary Children's Hospital. 
Next was her "first" physical therapy session. I was very upset when I found out the physical therapist was actually a pediatrician. The referral service sent us to just another regular doctor. To be fair this office got her an appointment for the following week with a real therapist. 

(Anastasia has a small strawberry hematoma, that's the red dot on her chest.) 

I was also in extreme pain, causing me to go to the InstaCare. I was very, very close to going to the ER. But figured InstaCare was cheaper and if they couldn't handle it they'd give the ER a heads up that I would be coming. Turns out I had a kidney infection. We spent the night at Grandma's, I couldn't make the drive home. (We stayed at grandma's a lot this month.) Thanks Grandma!

That Saturday, Heidi got to spend the night with Cousin A. The next morning they went to see the Beauty and the Beast musical. Heidi LOVED it. All the girls wore their flower girl dresses to the play. Afterwards there was a little birthday part for both Cousin A and little Cousin H. 

Today, we had her first REAL physical therapy appointment today. Where it was determined she's suffering from toricollis (short neck muscles) and needs a helmet due to misshapen head. I just summed up a 2 hour appointment in 2 sentences. Sad.

We just got back from Heidi Anne's back to school night. I can't believe she'll be in 3rd Grade!  

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Weekend at Grandmas

We spent nearly 4 days at Grandma's house this weekend. We came down Saturday evening for a family reunion, spent the night, had plans to go home Sunday. But Anastasia's surgery was set up for Tuesday and the hospital couldn't tell me until the night before what time she'd have to go in. My mother in law thought it made more sense to stay Sunday instead of leaving and coming back up the very next day. Plus, I'd have some additional help (and A/C). 

I didn't get any pictures of the family reunion, it seemed like everyone was taking pictures and I thought for sure I could get a few from someone or at least on Facebook. My mistake. It was for Grandpa's siblings and any of their children and grandchildren who were able to come. For the first time in 12 years all 8 siblings were at the same place at the same time. It was a rather big event. It was also Anastasia's first experience to the world (beyond immediate family and doctor appointments). 

Rory and I don't do well in crowds. He just wanted to be help by either me or by Grandma. He would just nuzzle into her arms. Heidi Anne was having a blast playing with all the new kids. Anastasia was on her play mat where she either slept or played as cute as could be. I had fun showing my miracle baby off to anyone who wanted to see her. I figured everyone was getting to see Rory with Grandma and Heidi could hold her own. I really wish I got more pictures. 

After everyone had eaten Grandma and Grandpa read a story in an old newspaper about Great Grandpa (Grandpa's Dad). I knew he had served as a Navy Medic during World War II but I didn't know he was at the battle for Iwo Jima. The paper was about his service at Iwo Jima. It was very interesting to listen to. 

It was really hot on Sunday and Grandma thought the kids would like to play with some water. We got dish soap, measuring cups, the yellow bucket, and a hose. Rory loved it! Plus it was on the patio, which is grass free. 
Rory had a field day splashing around. He thought it would be funny to pretend to drink the bubbles or he wasn't pretending...either way they didn't taste to good to him. But he knew he was being silly and kept scooping up some water, spilling almost all of it as it got to his face, jerked it up to his lips (throwing what little water was left onto his face), then stop and laugh.
Heidi Anne tired to see if she could sit all the way down in the cold water (she couldn't make it). Rory would watch Heidi Anne closely and follow her led. 
Funny story about the bucket. At the family reunion it was used as a drink cooler, thus it was filled with ice and soda cans. Well, Rory and his cousin G (who is only 6 weeks younger then Rory) didn't like that their water toy was being used. They would take out a single ice cube, chuck it to the ground, and pick up another piece, (repeat). Finally, after we had cleaned up all the little ice chips, we had to play keep away the bucket from the baby boys. Totally should've had my phone with me that day.  

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Anastasia's Surgery

Here she is ready to go!
I only found out the day before the surgery when her time would be. We were lucky we had to be there at 6:15 am and would be the first one of the day. The down side, we had to be there by 6:15 am. 

The night before her surgery Anastasia could only eat until 12:00 am and nothing after that. Which was going to make for a long night. We went to bed around 10:00 pm, set an alarm to wake me up to feed her at 11:30 pm. I told her to drink as much as she could because that's all she's getting for a long time. I don't think she listened to me. 

Well, 4:30 am rolls around and off goes our alarms again. But we didn't need them, we were awake from trouble sleeping. We finished up packing what we weren't able to the night before. Loaded up Anastasia who was in a happy mood until she realized she was hungry. Then she screamed and kept it up until we were driving in the car. She fell asleep shortly after that. 

We get to Primary Children's (where we got an awesome parking spot!) and my anxiety began to increase. I tried to calm myself down because if I freak out, then so will Anastasia. Charlie showed no signs of worry. He just kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. That this is one of the best children's hospitals nationwide. But I was still a bit nervous. It's like the logical part of me walked away and I was left with neurotic me. 
We check in at 6:15 am and we wait (for nearly an hour). Then we're called into the pre-operation room. There we were instructed to give her a good wipe bath with operation grade sanitizer. They also brought out her hospital pajamas and some cute little pink socks. We got her all ready to go. Finally, a sweet OR nurse came to collect her. We walked with her as far as possible. Then she took my miracle baby away for surgery. 

I almost lost it.

We went down to the cafeteria to help pass the time and to actually eat some breakfast. After all, we'd been up for over 3 hours and it was breakfast time anyways. To be completely honest, I didn't want to just sit in the waiting room with other anxious parents for nearly 2 hours. The whole time I was a bundle of nerves. I knew she'd be okay but I was plagued by all the "what ifs". 

Finally we headed to the dreaded waiting room. We check in with the receptionist and wait. I think we timed it pretty good because 30 minutes later the doctor came out to tell us how everything went. She had all 3 hernia's repaired. (She had a 10% chance of having the third hernia but they checked anyways. Which was good because, she suffered from it.). 
Another 20 minutes pass by and then we're called to the PACU. I got to see my sleepy, baby girl. Who was beet red! Which was a side effect from one of the medications they had given her. Anastasia was inconsiable. Just screaming and screaming. The nurse gave her some good pain meds and I swear 5 minutes later she fell back asleep. Pain free and calm. However, the pain medication had a side effect as well. Her O2 staturation decreased and she needed some O2 support. 

Once she was stable we were transferred to the Post Op unit. That is where Anastasia and I would be staying the night. I got a sweet picture of her peacefully sucking her thumb in her sleep while getting a bit of O2 support. Since everything was going good Char went to be with the other kiddos at Grandma's house. 
I decided to take a little nap while she slept. I'm glad I did, after a 90 minute nap she was wide awake. She just wanted to be cuddled and the pain to go away. The rest of the day was spent holding her and getting in some snacks. Time just seemed to drag on. (Ever notice time seems slower in a hospital? Or is that just me?)

I think the nurses did a great job on her pain management. But the baby was up ALL night.  Around 2:00 am the nurse offered to take her while I got a quick nap in. The chair was uncomfortable but apparently when you lack sleep, you can fall asleep anywhere. I remember thinking, "Geez, well this will be a short nap." Next thing I know I'm awake up and it's 5:00 am. I checked the hospital grade crib and Anastasia wasn't there. But I heard coos not to far away. At the nurses' station there are 3 nurses fawning over Anastasia and she is just cooing back to them. She didn't take a nap the whole time they had her, they said she was making up for being under and sleepy during the day. 

We got word since she was doing so good we could be discharged. I called Char at 6:00 am and cringed at having to wake him up so early. Little did I know he was almost to the hospital. He was there in no time. We loaded her up and the nurse walked us out. Anastasia finally fell asleep in the car. 

Now we're in recovery mode for the next 3 weeks. She can't do tummy time since it would put pressure on the incisions. She's just getting pain meds and unlimited cuddles. (To Rory's dismay).