Fun, busy weekend! My Dad and Lori were married, since we were part of the wedding party, this are some unofficial pictures taken between the real pictures. (And before my camera died). More pictures to come I am sure! Great thing about weddings-everyone is taking pictures!!
As soon as Kayla saw me the first thing she said was "Where's Heidi?
During the ceremony Rekailah was so good, she stood still and quite right by her Mom. Heidi Anne went with Charles-but then came over to our side of the line, and then decided she liked being the only girl, and went back to her Daddy. (At least she was quite about her indecsion).
Heidi Anne was just adorable, but I must say extra points have to go to my sister and her Kayla. Kayla had her hair in little curls and with the matching dress the girls had Kayla looked like Shirley Temple. After the ceremony the little girls found the funniest place to be was by the back door. I guess for 2 year olds it made perfect sense. It was right by the music, near the wedding line with all the people that were dressed up, close to the kitchen (which was where the goodies and their Mommys were), and soo many people would walk by. Every time someone walked by the girls would stop talking, let the person pass between them, or around them, and then start giggling as soon as the person left. Or they would carry on their conversation where they had left off. A lot of people would ask if they were twins or at least sisters.After a good treat, and Heidi Anne's first soda ever (which is why she is not letting go of the sippy cup-she is in LOVE with the Sprite Lemonade Punch), their wedding day adventure continued. They played by the little water fountain. We got some more family photos done. They just enjoyed playing and running outside together. It's been rainy and snowy so the nice warm sun was wonderful.
And then someone (not sure who-but they were genius) brought out some bubbles. Those two little girls had a ball chasing bubbles, blowing bubbles, popping the bubbles. The fun never stops when those two are together.
Oh my goodness they are too cute with their matching dresses! That is hilarious Heidi Anne has her cup in all her pictures! :)