A few weeks ago we had really nice sunny, warm weather. It was hot enough to play in the water but not to the point you felt like you were melting. Grandma invited us to come play in her big backward. **Side Note: I love the picture of all 3 kids on the swings, it's one of the few pictures I have of everyone together.**
Rowan had a fun time filling up the pool with the hose. Meanwhile, Anastasia enjoyed watching him, she was so giggly.
Rowan did a pretty good job of aiming the hose into the pool. He laughed a lot, I love it when he truly laughs.
Once the pool was filled high enough, Rowan got right in. Grandma got some toys along with some balls that floated on the top of the water. Rowan would wade in the pool chasing the balls around. Anastasia still hates the water and refused to get into the pool. However, she didn't mind trying to grab the balls from the edges of the pool, (as long as her feet were on dry land).
Anastasia would come play on the swingset between sessions by the pool. She wanted to be on the big kid swing but she's just too small. Heidi Anne would get on the swing and place Anastasia on her lap, Anastasia agreed with the compromise.
Anastasia also tried to climb up the slide. She's able to do it with the little slides, I think she believes she should be able to do the same with big slides as well. My feisty, stubborn baby girl.
Anastasia must have made the slide look so fun that Rowan decided to leave the pool and wanted to go down the big slide. Often times we'd have to pull Anastasia away from climbing up the slide while Rowan was trying to go down it.