It's bazaar how fast and simultaneously slow time can go. When your not watching it just goes by. When your enjoying every moment it goes even faster. When you're having a rough go it just drags on. I'm learning it's the pace at which parenting happens. Its weird watching your little girl grow up. There are times when I miss having tea parties at 1:30 or getting to the park early in the crisp cool morning and staying until well past lunch.
I miss those cute little chubby cheeks that gave me sticky kisses after getting her from daycare. I miss her extra aunts, brothers and sisters she had there. How she would follow some of the older children around little a little duck, having friends as close as siblings, and loving any new babies that joined her world (yet slightly jealous of the extra attention they got from her Suesue). I wish I could be there first hand or have a loving Suesue to update me as if I were there myself to update me on every little thing she did or the funny things she said. Yet at the time I was so excited for her to be just a little older, a little older.
I still feel that way, just a little older. But now I think back and wonder "I miss when she was just a little younger." I miss those seeing life through a child's eyes. Last night I dreamed about when we went to the Tetons for the 4th of July. Heidi Anne was nearly 2 years old. Sitting snugly on her Daddy's lap staring at the huge fireworks saying "Oh Stars! Thank-you Stars!!"
Love her Smile in the Mirror |
I tired so hard to enjoy every moment of her baby, toddler, and pre-school ages. I know we have many, many adventures ahead. She still has so much learning to do. I can still tease her and she still believes I know everything under the sun and that her daddy hangs the moon. I know in 6 years from now I will pine for the "Good Ole' Days" when she was just in Kindergarten, where the worst thing to fear is her hair getting in tangles, skinning her knee at recess, only having 20 minutes of reading and a page of homework a night. Her dreams are to have hair as long as Rapunzel, which is down to her waist so she is well on her way. She's old enough to love Doctor Who but young enough to love playing dress up. Each age and stage seems to hold something special. Well, growing up is better than regressing.