Thursday, January 10, 2019

It's Been 2 Weeks Since..

Char flew back to Utah to wrap up loose ends. I can now marvel at how single moms do this full time AND work. Just WOW! If you are or were ever a single mom, even for a short amount of time, You're amazing. 

To be honest getting out and exploring a new environment as a solo adult with 3 kids in tow. Well, I wasn't filled with warm and fuzzy feelings. However, we did quite a few things on our own. We didn't accomplish everything I wanted to complete every single day but we at least survived it.
Rowan got a black "Batman" cape and mask and Anastasia got a pink and purple cape for Christmas. They run around the house with glee shouting at the top of their lungs how they're superheroes. Sometimes Rowan will stop mid-run and with a serious, yet puppy-ish growl, say "Rowan Batman!" Every time they'd start running upstairs I am happy with our choice of a house. That way we won't be bothering anyone with screams, running, jumping, etc. (Wait a sec, I'm just describing the toddler/preschool stage). 

One of the first mornings here everyone woke up ridiculously early. I mean around 4:00 am. I know there would be some adjustment period for the kids to get used to the new time zone-but seriously, 4:00 AM!! I briefly thought about putting everyone back to bed but realized it would be futile.  

I just rolled with it and started handing out cereals and yogurts to the littles. Figured that some of them were bound to take a nap later and maybe I could sneak in one as well. (Spoiler-nobody took a nap that day.) Around 9:00 they started to say they were hungry, I did some math and figured 5 hours after breakfast would be lunchtime or at the very least snack time. 

Heidi has developed a love of cooking. Her desire is to do Master Chief level cooking, with the raw ingredients. Like making a cake from scratch. We had a tiny kitchen in Utah and most of the prep work was on the kitchen table - very little workspace. Also, she has to clean up her baking messes. Due to all those issues listed above has kept her from branching out more.
She's been making the boxed baking items, it's cheaper, for now, less cleanup and if she burns her brownies or muffins she didn't slave for hours over it. Another thing, her target audience at this point just want their food ASAP. 

This particular morning she made a batch of chocolate chip muffins. IN the Kitchen! She LOVED prepping on the island. She told me "Mom, I feel like I can do real prep and cooking in this place!" The littles love to watch her make things and sometimes they even "help" her out. The muffins were a big hit, as predicted. 
Some cute things about Anastasia! When one asks a question to the group someone will always answer, "Me, Too!" Anastasia will then respond with "Me, Three!! She also made up a phrase "Whoopies Doodle!" for when she; falls, spills, drops something. She also says "Yippie Skippie!" which translates to "I'm feeling Happy!" or "I got my way!"  

Rowan has determined that Super Wal-Marts are the only "real supermarket". Meanwhile, Winco or other groceries only are "baby" stores. He likes to go shopping but it has to be at a real supermarket. We head into Winco and he pouts.  
It was hard but we survived our first meeting at our church. Why did I use the word survive?  Well, Rowan and Anastasia wandered up and down the pews the whole time, in opposite directions. They asked for snacks in their outside voices. Anastasia proudly declared "Goldfish Crackers!!" during prayer when people were being dead silent. Furthermore, they screamed "NO!" whenever it was time for the hymns and had to be taken to the halls. I think we'll hide in the hallways from now on. (At least until they go in the same direction when wandering.) Everyone did great during the Sunday School portion. So..YEAH, we survived it. 
Here's Heidi Anne on her first day of school in Washington. We went early to get a tour of the school. We then meet with her teacher who seems very nice. Heidi Anne makes the class an even 24 kids-12 boys & 12 girls exactly. Lastly, we had a meeting with her new principal, mainly to give her a heads up on Heidi's recent history.  
We were out grocery shopping at a "real supermarket" when I found these rain boots on sale. Anastasia fell in love with them right away. They are pretty much the only shoes she willingly wears. She adores how pink the shoes are and have purple soles. She's been practicing how to run in tall, knee-high galoshes. Anastasia is going to become a Washington State native in no time.  

Another day we ventured into the local mall. (I can't keep track of what day was what, it's all a blur). We went to get Heidi Anne some new winter/spring clothes since she'd outgrown nearly all her shirts but hadn't told us because she feels bad about her current weight. (I pretty much just guessed that was the issue and my mommy-instincts were right.)
We had to pass up a few stores we really wanted to go in, alas, they were not double stroller friendly. We got her a few long sleeve shirts she'd seen other kids on the playground wear. She's really trying to fit in and reintegrate herself. I got everyone some ice cream as a reward for being super well behaved during this LONG adventure. 
Rowan loved his ice cream! He would take a huge bite of ice cream, get a brain freeze, making this funny face as he would have full body shivers. Then repeat the process all over again.  

One day there was a big storm predicted in the forecast. The news kept reviewing what to do during power outages, around downed power lines and how to safely use the fireplace. I figured we should at least get some flashlights.  I got $1 flashlights for Rowan and Anastasia. The storm didn't really come through, however, the flashlights turned out to be a big hit!
Rowan and Anastasia had sword fights, pretend they had magic wands and made up a "fix it" game. In this game, one person would set their flashlight to the strobe setting. The other person would reply "I fix it!" Then reset the flashlight. This game kept them laughing and playing for over 30 minutes. 

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