She was all about the movies; she knows what she wants to watch which usually involves a few different movies. Monkey is one of her favorites, (not necessarily mine) it translates to Curious George. Bird translates to Up, because the big **Squirrel** Bird that squawks. Frog (with a sore throat) is the Princess & the Frog. She lets us know all the time she wants "Simpsons " also known as "Maggie" or "Grown Up Simpsons" which is Futureama, "Singing cars" is Cars. Right now she is engrossed in the Wizard of Oz and is in love with all the music and dancing.
Her not being able to talk has brought to my attention how vocal Heidi Anne has become as of late. Normally, Heidi Anne wants to share something special she created, be it blocks, a craft, or something new she found (ie. "Scary spiders") . She will say "Momma, Dadda, Come! Come!" She makes the hand gestures to have us follow her, (in some urgent scary or super cool cases she will just grab our hands) and start leading us to her little discoveries. I went five whole days without a "Momma, Come!" I started showing Heidi Anne my stuff-"Heidi Anne, look I paid bills!" "Yeah, Momma"-whispered voice.
As I said before, she clearly lets her opinions be known, I have decided this is merely a side effect her increase in language skills, and every parent goes through this.
For example, if Heidi Anne feels left out of the conversation when Char and I are talking she will say "Shhhhh... Puppy is sleeping." She will repeat this until we either include her in the conversation somehow or we're quiet and the three of us just listen to the radio / mypod.
The funniest one happened today at day care, Heidi Anne had some real butter without her Lactaid (she hates cows too,-I know just perpetuating the cycle) causing her to be rather gassy, after each occurrence the day care teachers were asking her if she was poopies. Heidi Anne kept saying "No I not Poopy", apparently this kept happening so often that Heidi Anne got fed up with all the questions that she finally said " No, I not poopies, I fart."
Sorry she didn't feel well, but this is a great post. I laughed during most of it.