Never be to busy to play Hide and Seek or what ever little games Heidi Anne makes up. I've noticed recently she only wants to play a few rounds of Hide and Seek before she moves onto another game. So the dishes can wait for 5 mintues while I count to ten and hear "Come Get ME!!" from behind a door. I find her and then she tells me "You Turn." She then "covers" her eyes, counts to 10 and says "I found you! You turn!"
Half the time I am still in the process of trying to hide. She speed counts-cheater.
She has this other game she made up as well. It's like the I got your nose, only she takes your nose, and she puts it on, and wears it. She'll do this with your ears, hair, fingers, ect. She will come up to Char and say, "I have Momma's nose. See? It soo pretty." She even puts it back on me too. Sometimes she will "eat" her own nose, ears, ect, so I can't wear her nose.
She just picks up these games, wants to play them for a few mintues, and then she moves on to playing with her dollhouse, coloring, so on. If I don't take the time to play right then and there-I'll miss these fun little moments, however-the laundry hasn't done anything cute recently-I think it can wait a few more minutes to be sorted. Now, should it start singing and dancing, that would get my attention.