Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Look Who's Talking

Char got some video of Heidi Anne saying Dadad, and a few other babblings this morning.

She is soo fun!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

We had a fun Valentines weekend. Char got me a pretty Chinese Painting and some books, (The Federalist Papers, Unsung Heros of the Revalution, and the "Real" Founding Fathers series.
I know I'm a geek. But I love it!!
It beats what I heard on the radio today. I listen to this talk show, and the day after Valentines the host has a fake "Couple of the Year" awards. Basicly some guys forgot it was Valentines until it was to late and so the host calls the wives and has this mad lib like letter that he reads to them. In hopes the guys get out of the dog house.
Well it was super funny this year because a few guys didn't know their wives listened to the show as well, so the jig was up.
Makes me happy that even though Valentines isn't a big deal to me, Char still makes it speacial.
One things for sure well never be on the "Couple of the Year show!" ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Playing Blocks

I am having way to much fun with this camera!! Another Heidi~Anne Movie. This time it's her playing with her blocks. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

This Is A Test

And only a test. Hehehehe. Here is my first video of Heidi Anne. (Special thanks to my sister who gave me a totally awesome camera for my birthday, with video capabilities).

This is a little video of Heidi Anne giggling, she's being tickled by Dad-Dad. Which is offically her first word. Hopefully we'll have video of that soon too.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4th Picture In 4th File Tag

1) go to the 4th picture folder
2) go to the 4th picture in the folder
3) tell 4 things about that picture
4) tag 4 more people

4 things about this picture:
1) It's Heidi Anne
2)She's two months old in this picture
3)She is in her bouncer, which she just loved and would sleep in all the time
4)This was taken at her "Terrified of the Camera" phase.